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Unison provides a wide range of consulting services in the fields of economics, accounting and finance, specializing in advising on complex transactions and activities and accompanying large and medium-sized companies.


Unison's services are based on the deep theoretical background of its staff and their long-standing acquaintance with the capital market, those who are actively involved with it, its needs and the possibilities inherent in it.

Economic Analysis & Research


Analysis and economic research for transactions and companies, including: analysis of transactions for investment purposes, valuation of companies and activities, opinions to courts, analysis of financial investments, and more.

Accounting Consulting


Advising on the implementation of accounting principles in financial statements and providing accounting opinions to companies and accountants, for their own use or for submitting to regulatory bodies and to the courts.

Financing Companies & Projects

Assistance in mobilizing financing for large and medium sized companies from banks and institutional bodies, including: analysis of financing needs and formulation of the financing model, designing the business plan and negotiating with financing entities.

Analysis of Transactions


Transaction analysis services, with emphasis on acquisition transactions of companies and projects. The analysis of the transactions takes into account business and financial risks, financing aspects and cash flows, economic feasibility and implications for the financial statements.

Due Diligence



Financial due diligence for merger and acquisition transactions, for the purpose of confirming the financial condition of the acquired corporation, the assessment of the financial risks inherent therein, and the expected forecasts regarding its future situation.

Compensation Plans for Senior Executives

Expressing opinion regarding the appropriateness of remuneration packages and comparison with those of similar companies. In addition, assistance in formulating a compensation plan for senior executives and adapting it to the specific needs of the organization, and in particular formulating criteria for variable remuneration components for senior executives.

Financial Risk Management


Analysis of the array of financial risks in companies and methods of risk management, including: analysis of foreign currency risks, interest risks and cash flow risks, and formulation of plans for dealing with these risks (including transactions in financial derivatives).




Unison's staff are senior lecturers at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and other academic institutions. Unison provides training to individuals and organizations in a range of subjects within its fields of expertise.

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